Best Free Amazon Kdp Book Printing Cost & Royalty Calculator

Free Amazon Kdp Book Printing Cost & Royalty Calculator

Printing cost depends on which Amazon marketplace (website) your paperback was ordered from. Costs also vary depending on page count and ink type (black ink or color ink). Trim size, bleed settings, and cover finish don't affect printing cost. Use this calculator to determine your printing cost, minimum list price, and royalties.

Book type
Interior and paper type
Page count
Listing price USD or
Desired profit USD

You want to sell your book on at a price of , your book contains pages.

You can list this book for or above, as it will cost you for printing. and your estimated profit will be for a book.

Your input infos :

Your listing price
Number of pages
Book type

Your results :

Minimum listing price
Printing cost
Estimated royalty
Your estimated profit is :

Your input infos :

Your listing price
Number of pages
Book type

Your results :

Minimum listing price
Printing cost
Estimated royalty

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